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Evenbalance hat ein neues Update für den Punkbuster von COD4 veröffentlicht:



Thursday 09.13.2012 [3:45PM]

Version 2.318 of the PB Client for COD4 has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release.

Aktuelle Version:
Server v1.828 | Client v2.318 A1407


THX 2 Interceptor

Evenbalance hat ein neues Update für den Punkbuster von COD4 veröffentlicht:

Clientupdate für Mac-User:


Friday 05.18.2012 [12:00PM]

We are aware that many Mac users are having problems since Version 2.301 of the PB Client for COD4 was released for auto-update on Monday. Unfortunately for those users, a manual update may be required. To manually update, Mac users should close COD4 if it is open and then download mc002301.mac. Then use Finder to move mc002301.mac into the pb/dll folder inside the COD4 application (you may have to right-click the COD4 icon and "Show Package Contents" in Finder to browse through to "pb" and then "dll").

Aktuelle Version:
Server v1.828 | Client v2.301 A1407

Evenbalance hat ein Update für den Punkbuster von COD:WaW veröffentlicht:



Thursday 05.17.2012 [3:30PM]

Version 2.308 of the PB Client for WAW has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release.

Aktuelle Version:
Server v1.814 | Client v2.308 A1409


THX 2 Interceptor

Evenbalance hat ein neues Update für den Punkbuster von COD4 veröffentlicht:



Monday 05.14.2012 [9:45PM]

Version 2.301 of the PB Client for COD4 has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release.

Aktuelle Version:
Server v1.828 | Client v2.301 A1407


THX 2 Interceptor


Neues von Evenbalance:


Zitat: Quelle
Monday 09.21.2009 [11:15PM]

Version 2.203 of the PB Client for COD4 has been released to our PBMaster Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. Thisis a maintenance release.

Aktuelle Version:

Server v1.753 | Client v2.203 A1407


THX 2 Atze69